Some people wake up feeling refreshed and ready to face their day, while others do not. Luckily, everyone can learn to wake up happier by adopting some simple habits into their morning routines.
Simply simplifying a hectic morning by making breakfast the night before or establishing a soothing pre-bed routine can go a long way in combating negativity and pessimism. Focusing on hope can be powerful tool against negativity.
1. Start your day with a smile
If you aren't an early riser, that doesn't have to be an indicator that the rest of your day will be miserable; all it means is starting it differently - what you do and feel when you wake up can set the tone for how your entire day unfolds; simply smiling can quickly improve one's outlook!
Smiles activate a specific facial muscle group associated with happiness and joy, so try smiling more authentically instead of forcing one. Research suggests that all smiles involve activation of the zygomaticus major muscles at the corners of your mouth.
An act of kindness is contagious - whether that means giving up your seat on the train for someone else or holding open the door for your neighbor. A great way to spread smiles and spread kindness is by sending an anonymous food basket or blood donation donation directly.
As changing habits takes time and practice, don't get disheartened when you fail at meeting your goal once or twice. Instead, focus on the positive and remind yourself that every little bit helps. As you continue these small, simple tasks, your attitude should gradually improve - eventually, you may wake up happy every morning on your own!
2. Make a list of things you’re grateful for
If you want to become a more joyful, positive individual, gratitude is one of the best practices you can adopt. Writing down all of the good things in your life every day and keeping a gratitude journal are proven ways to increase well-being and boost moods by reminding yourself about all that's good in your life.
Make your list as extensive or concise as you wish; but focus on those items that are often neglected, like health and housing security; being able to enjoy coffee every morning can do wonders in changing one's perspective from stress to abundance.
One way to encourage gratitude is to recall those things and experiences that have taught you valuable lessons- basicwas an effective way of etiquette, forgiveness for past errors, or comforting someone after suffering through difficult times. All of these have contributed towards you growing as an individual and discovering more about who you are as an individual.
Studies have also shown that thinking about how life would be without certain individuals cultivating appreciation and thanks. Therefore, if there's an employee at work who's been struggling, make sure they know just how much their contributions mean in helping you meet business objectives.
3. Make a to-do list for the day
Either writing information by hand (some research indicates this helps with recall) or using an electronic to-do list app, creating a visual outline of your day is an excellent way to stay organized and on track with life. Include time estimates next to tasks; feel free to change it up each day! Furthermore, prioritize tasks according to what needs to get done for deadlines - such as calling your Uncle Pat or returning that gas company phone call.
If you tend to stay up late, start small when creating your to-do lists in the morning, and work your way up gradually. By the time your morning tasks are complete, enjoy an early bedtime--and hopefully sleep more soundly too!
At first, it can be helpful to recognize what makes you miserable in the morning in order to address issues that deplete energy and happiness. If this occurs often enough for you, keep a journal to record moods, triggers, and possible solutions to these funks. When dealing with constant problems that cause distress in daily life, identifying any obstacles and devising ways of quickly overcoming them should help immensely; seeking professional assistance could also prove valuable if something remains out of reach for you.
4. Take a moment to breathe
After emerging from bed and sipping your morning coffee, it may not feel easy to face each day with gusto and enthusiasm. That's perfectly normal; finding inspiration and excitement can take hard work! However, if it seems as though each day you wake up feeling less-than-inspired it might be time to go deeper into yourself and discover whether something more is going on than meets the eye.
If mornings are becoming difficult for you and you're struggling with feelings of grouchiness, adjusting your sleep and wake-up habits might help. Try getting up earlier and avoiding alcohol, caffeine, or sweet foods the night before as these could trigger spikes in blood sugar.
Consistency can also aid your sleep routine: rising at the same time each morning helps maintain your circadian rhythm, which plays a critical role in how you feel. Doing this may also ensure your room remains dark; and for those suffering from morning brain fog, using light boxes or sunlamps with gradual rise and fall times might be helpful; alternatively opening curtains or going outside will stimulate natural light and help wake you up more effectively!
5. Make a cup of coffee
There's something enchanting about that first sip of coffee; its aroma tantalizes your senses while transporting you to an oasis of calm. Coffee is the ideal way to start any day off right - experiment with grind sizes, roasts, water temperatures, and brewing methods until you find your ideal cup.
The night before can have a major effect on how you feel in the morning, particularly if you tend to stay up late. Poor sleep hygiene leads to less rapid eye movement (REM) sleep which may leave you feeling fatigued in the morning. Eating too much sugar, spicy food, or alcohol before sleeping can also disrupt sleep quality and leave you feeling uninspired in the morning.
Sleep and breakfast can play an integral part in improving one's mood, but if it continues, seeking professional assistance might be necessary to truly restore a sense of equilibrium and peace.
Be consistent in your new habits and try not to allow setbacks to discourage you. Modifying your morning routine won't yield instantaneous results, but will lead to happier and healthier mornings over time. Stay true to your goal of awakening happier every morning - the rewards will more than makeup for any effort expended in forming these new routines! It takes over two months for new habits to become automatic so be patient.
6. Take a walk
If you find it hard to wake up on a dark and grey morning, sleep deprivation could be to blame. Research indicates that exposure to bright light at the start of your wake-up cycle can reset your circadian rhythm and help make you more alert - so open the blinds or switch on an indoor bright light as soon as you awaken for optimal results.
Exercise may seem counter-intuitive to start your day right, but even some moderate physical activity such as aerobics can boost metabolism and produce endorphins - mood-lifting hormones which help overcome sleepiness. Even performing simple jumping jacks or high knee exercises may give your day an energetic start!
Some mornings everything falls into place: you wake up early, your run feels like playtime and the coffee tastes more delicious than usual. Unfortunately, many of us don't experience those lucky mornings on a regular basis; so to start your days on an upbeat note it is key to have a consistent routine that encourages and gives something positive to look forward to in the early hours. As with anything new, it takes patience for new habits to settle - for instance if you want to wake earlier try gradually increasing the wakeup time by 15-30 minutes each week until you achieve what is needed or set as desired by setting an alarm earlier wakeup time each week until it reaches whatever your goal will be achieved.
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