Smile AM: Smiles can be one of the most effective weapons we possess - they can win battles, calm upset children and turn hearts upside-down!
Smiles can also help us navigate challenging social situations more successfully. A 2012 study demonstrated that those who smiled during stressful tasks experienced lower heart rates than those who didn't smile during stressful tasks.
Smile AM - The Power of Smiles: Unveiling Joy
Smile and tell the world you're happy, but also give your brain and nervous system an added boost! Studies have discovered that one smile produces as much happiness as eating 2,000 bars of chocolate!
No two smiles are equal - each one can communicate something different about your mood, thoughts, and perception of life around you.
People often assume that genuine smiles indicate feelings of happiness in others. We know what an authentic smile looks like--its corners of the mouth turning up and those crow's feet appearing--but not all genuine smiles express happiness; indeed, some don't even include corners of the mouth at all!
Paul Ekman, an expert on facial expressions, states that some smiles lack any corners at all; these so-called "dampened" smiles can convey various emotions including anticipation and contentment; Ekman refers to this type of "nondefensive, benevolent expression".
Celebrities often employ this smile type to show that they're having fun. Another type is the relaxed smile, which conveys a carefree attitude. It may even come accompanied by open body language and laughter!
Social smiles are another type of smile; these can be used to show friendliness towards complete strangers. A social smile conveys openness and friendliness, often seen in cultures that prohibit outward displays of emotion.
Conversely, in cultures where smiling is seen as mandatory, people tend to display it less frequently - the kind of smile one might see from a politician or news anchor when reporting positive information.
Grimace smiles are among the least frequent forms of smiling, as they don't typically convey positive emotions like happiness and are frequently used to show anger or distress. While sometimes confused with frowning, this type of facial expression differs significantly from genuine smiles.
Unearthing Smiling's Hidden Happiness
Smile AM Smiles release endorphins and serotonin, creating a sense of wellbeing and helping us think more positively, even during times of hardship. Research has also demonstrated that people who smile frequently have stronger immune systems and are therefore less likely to fall ill.
Smiling is contagious and an important way to build connections between people. When we see someone else smile, a part of our brain automatically responds and prompts us to return the gesture - helping build stronger relationships both personally and professionally by mirroring facial expressions of those around us.
An honest smile can be very powerful in business and life, breaking down barriers with its message of openness, acceptance, trustworthiness. Additionally, it makes you more approachable, making others more open to engaging in conversation with you.
Some professions pay people to smile: flight attendants, entertainers and those working in hospitality all receive compensation for making customers and staff members happy. A mismatch between felt emotion and displayed expression can lead to burnout; therefore if smiling is part of your job description it may be beneficial to try bringing out more often your inner happiness for maximum effectiveness in work settings.
Smiling can make both others and yourself feel good; the physical act of smiling exercises the muscles in your face and jaw, helping reduce stress and anxiety while endorphins and serotonin released when we smile can reduce levels of cortisol in blood which contribute to heart disease.
If you're having an awful day, try forcing yourself to smile or find an opportunity for laughter. Even just a few minutes of smiling can change your perspective and strengthen resilience against negative emotions. Give it a try yourself and see the power of smiling can transform your life! Here are some smile-boosting videos which may be helpful:
Smile AM - Secrets of Smiles: Delighting From Ear to Ear
Studies have proven the psychological benefits of smiling to both those wearing it and those viewing it. Not all smiles are created equally - each has a different significance that may make people perceive you differently.
An authentic smile involves both eyes and mouth; this kind of expression, known as the Duchenne smile, signifies happiness and contentment. Additionally, Duchenne smiling can boost serotonin levels to make us feel happier!
On the other hand, there are fake smiles which don't involve either eyes or mouth and have more negative connotations. Such smiles can be used to hide feelings such as anxiety, apprehension, or anger and can even be used as a means to gain people's trust - for instance those in customer service often use such fake smiles in order to convince customers that they're happy they are there; the now defunct airline Pan Am was famous for training its crew just that way!
Smiling can give others a profound glimpse of our personalities and how others perceive us. According to research published in Psychological Science journal, smiling has been shown to help reduce stress levels leading to better productivity and thus higher incomes at age 29 than their less happy peers. Furthermore, smiling has even been found to increase fertility for women according to other research conducted at Stanford University and published by Psychological Science journal.
Smiling can also serve to signal social status for highly-powered professionals. According to a study published in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, powerful people tend to smile when they feel contented while those with lesser influence usually smile regardless of their emotions.
When we smile at someone else, it signals to them that we're elevating them in some way. This can be seen through excessively big or exuberant smiles as well as those that start and stop abruptly; these types of smiles could indicate manipulation attempts on your part and should be seen as warning signals to stay clear.
Cracking the Smile Code: Unveiling Joy's Essence
Smile AM: There's a popular internet quiz called the "smile dating test", which purports to tell what your smile reveals about yourself. It assigns one of 16 possible colors as part of its analysis - not scientific nor providing deep psychological insights, but certainly fun to take and has since gone viral!
However, not all smiles are created equal. Some smiles - such as the Duchenne smile - use our eyes and can convey happiness; other forms may serve to mask our disapproval (like airline customer service representatives who smile at dissatisfied customers - that isn't truly smiling!)
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